Xin Yuan

Grad Student

About Xin

Xin Yuan

Xin's Projects

Nutrient-regulated neural circuits and insulin signaling

Nutrient-regulated neural circuits and insulin signaling

In Drosophila, there are 14 neurosecretory neurons located in the pars intercerebralis (the fly hypothalamus) that synthesize and secrete 3 of the 8 Drosophila insulin-like peptides (Dilps). Dilps bind to and activate the single Insulin-like tyrosine kinase receptor, which leads to downstream activation of the evolutionarily conserved PI3-kinase growth signaling pathway.

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Reactivation from quiescence

Reactivation from quiescence

Dietary nutrients provide macromolecules necessary for organism growth and development. In response to animal feeding, evolutionarily conserved growth signaling pathways are activated, leading to increased rates of cell proliferation and tissue growth.

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Xin's Publications

Noah Dillon, B Cocanougher, Chhavi Sood, Xin Yuan , AB Kohn, LL Moroz, SE Siegrist, M Zlatic, CQ Doe (2022) Single cell RNA-seq analysis reveals temporally-regulated and quiescence-regulated gene expression in Drosophila larval neuroblasts. Neural Development 17(1) | PubMed | PDF

Xin Yuan , Conor W. Sipe, Miyuki Suzawa, Michelle L. Bland, Sarah E. Siegrist (2020) Dilp-2-mediated PI3-kinase activation coordinates reactivation of quiescent neuroblasts with growth of their glial stem cell niche. PLoS Biology 18(5), e3000721 | PubMed | PDF