Sarah Siegrist

Principal Investigator

About Sarah

Sarah Siegrist

Sarah earned her Ph.D. from the University of Oregon, where she studied regulation of asymmetric cell division in the lab of Chris Q. Doe. She carried out her post-doctoral research in Iswar Hariharan’s lab at UC Berkeley, investigating growth regulation of the CNS during development. In her past life, Sarah was an avid rock climber and outdoor adventurer. Today, when not working in the lab, writing grants and papers, and preparing for class lectures, Sarah enjoys hiking and playing games with her family.

Sarah's Projects

Delta controls temporal patterning

Delta controls temporal patterning

During development, neural stem cells (NSCs) divide asymmetrically, sequentially expressing a series of intrinsic factors to generate a diversity of neuron types. After cycling through temporal programs, NSCs terminally differentiate or die, bringing an end to developmental neurogenesis.

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Neuroblast niche positioning

Neuroblast niche positioning

Correct positioning of stem cells within their niche is essential for tissue morphogenesis and homeostasis. Yet how stem cells acquire and maintain niche position remains largely unknown. Here, we show that a subset of brain neuroblasts (NBs) in Drosophila utilize PI3-kinase and DE-cadherin to build adhesive contact for NB niche positioning.

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Termination of Neurogenesis

Termination of Neurogenesis

Adult neurogenesis occurs in specific locations in the brains of many animals, including some insects, and relies on mitotic neural stem cells. In mammals, the regenerative capacity of most of the adult nervous system is extremely limited, possibly because of the absence of neural stem cells.

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Sarah's Publications

Chhavi Sood, Md Ausrafuggaman Nahid, Matthew C. Pahl, Susan E. Doyle, Sarah E. Siegrist (2022) Delta-dependent Notch activation promotes neuroblast temporal patterning and timing of neurogenesis termination in Drosophila. -- Under review.

Cami N. Keliinui, Susan E. Doyle, Sarah E. Siegrist (2022) Neural Stem Cell Reactivation in Cultured Drosophila Brain Explants. Journal of visualized experiments:JoVE | PubMed | PDF

Chhavi Sood, Virginia T. Justis, Susan E. Doyle, Sarah E. Siegrist (2022) Notch signaling regulates neural stem cell quiescence entry and exit in Drosophila. Development 149 (4) | PubMed | PDF

Chhavi Sood, Susan E. Doyle, Sarah E. Siegrist (2020) Steroid hormones, dietary nutrients, and temporal progression of neurogenesis. Current Opinion in Insect Science 43, 70-77 | PubMed | PDF

Xin Yuan, Conor W. Sipe, Miyuki Suzawa, Michelle L. Bland, Sarah E. Siegrist (2020) Dilp-2-mediated PI3-kinase activation coordinates reactivation of quiescent neuroblasts with growth of their glial stem cell niche. PLoS Biology 18(5), e3000721 | PubMed | PDF

Sarah E. Siegrist (2019) Termination of Drosophila mushroom body neurogenesis via autophagy and apoptosis Autophagy 15(8), 1481-1482 | PubMed | PDF

Matthew C. Pahl, Susan E. Doyle, Sarah E. Siegrist (2019) E93 Integrates Neuroblast Intrinsic State with Developmental Time to Terminate MB Neurogenesis via Autophagy. Current Biology 29 (5), 750-762 | PubMed | PDF

Conor W. Sipe, Sarah E. Siegrist (2017) Eyeless uncouples mushroom body neuroblast proliferation from dietary amino acids in Drosophila. Elife 6:e26343 | PubMed | PDF

Derek H. Janssens, Danielle C. Hamm, Lucas Anhezini, Qi Xiao, Karsten H. Siller, Sarah E. Siegrist , Melissa M. Harrison, Cheng-Yu Lee (2017) An Hdac1/Rpd3-Poised Circuit Balances Continual Self-Renewal and Rapid Restriction of Developmental Potential during Asymmetric Stem Cell Division. Dev Cell 40(4):367-380 | PubMed | PDF

Susan E. Doyle, Matthew C. Pahl, Karsten H. Siller, Lindsay Ardiff, Sarah E. Siegrist (2017) Neuroblast niche position is controlled by Phosphoinositide 3-kinase-dependent DE-Cadherin adhesion. Development 144, 820-929 | PubMed | PDF

Sarah E. Siegrist , Najm S. Haque, Chun-Hong Chen, Bruce A. Hay, Iswar K. Hariharan (2010) Inactivation of both Foxo and reaper promotes long-term adult neurogenesis in Drosophila. Current Biology 20(7), 643-648 | PubMed | PDF

Sarah E. Siegrist , Chris Q. Doe (2007) Microtubule-induced cortical cell polarity Genes Dev. 2007 Mar1;21(5):4833-96.2019. | PubMed | PDF

Cheng-Yu Lee, Brian D. Wilkinson, Sarah E. Siegrist , Robin P. Wharton, Chris Q. Doe (2006) Brat is a Miranda cargo protein that promotes neuronal differentiation and inhibits neuroblast self-renewal Dev Cell. 2006 Apr;10(4):441-9. | PubMed | PDF

Sarah E. Siegrist , Chris Q. Doe (2006) Extrinsic cues orient the cell division axis in Drosophila embryonic neuroblasts. Development 133, 529-536 | PubMed | PDF

Sarah E. Siegrist , Chris Q. Doe (2005) Microtubule-induced Pins/Galphai cortical polarity in Drosophila neuroblasts. Cell 123 (7):1323-1335 | PubMed | PDF