Nahid Md Ausrafuggaman

Grad Student

About Nahid

Nahid Md Ausrafuggaman

Nahid earned his Bachelors and Masters degree in Molecular Biology from the University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. His current research focus is on the molecular mechanisms that drive the nutrient-independent proliferation of the Mushroom Body neuroblasts in the Drosophila brain. He is found running around the UVA campus often and he dreams about running a marathon someday in the near future!

Nahid's Projects

Delta controls temporal patterning

Delta controls temporal patterning

During development, neural stem cells (NSCs) divide asymmetrically, sequentially expressing a series of intrinsic factors to generate a diversity of neuron types. After cycling through temporal programs, NSCs terminally differentiate or die, bringing an end to developmental neurogenesis.

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Yorki and Hippo signaling

Yorki and Hippo signaling

Drosophila neural stem cells (NSC), known as neuroblasts (NB), undergo asymmetric cell division throughout development producing neurons and glia. Dietary nutrients provide essential building blocks necessary for cell division thus acting as a major determinant of stem cell growth and proliferation.

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Nahid's Publications

Chhavi Sood, Md Ausrafuggaman Nahid , Matthew C. Pahl, Susan E. Doyle, Sarah E. Siegrist (2022) Delta-dependent Notch activation promotes neuroblast temporal patterning and timing of neurogenesis termination in Drosophila. -- Under review.